Le Vent Nous Portera

Der Rückenwind trug uns durch die kasachische Steppe zum Wolgadelta bei Astrakhan und dann weiter über die kalmykische Steppe, die sich für mich in nichts von der kasachischen unterschied, ausser daß nun statt Kamelen, Pferde grasten und die Marterl drastischer wurden. Er trug uns durch Russland in nur 2 Tagen. Die Strecke war auch so gewählt, daß keine hinderlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten den Fluß der Reise störten und mit 700 Kilometern meinen bisherigen Tagesrekord ermöglichte. Ich hielt nur, um diese Landschaftsbilder mit Vordergrund aufzunehmen.


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2 Antworten zu Le Vent Nous Portera

  1. romy schreibt:

    noir desir: le vent nous portera

  2. Anthony Kauders schreibt:

    Speedy Gonzales (also spelled González), or Speedy, is an animated caricature of a mouse in the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. He is portrayed as „The Fastest Mouse in all Mexico“ with his major traits being the ability to run extremely fast and speaking with an exaggerated Mexican accent. He usually wears an oversized yellow sombrero, white shirt and trousers, and a red kerchief, similar to that of a reveler in the San Fermin festival. To date there have been 46 cartoons made either starring or featuring this character.

    Speedy Joss (always spelled Joss), never Jossi, is a serious artist from the spa town of Schliersse. His blog portrays him as „The Meanest Meat-Eater“ in all of Upper Bavaria, but we all
    know him as the fastest Hondale rider in the whole world. He usually wears an incredibly fashionable, even Dandy-like hat, dark shirt, stylish tweed jacket, and always, always, always hand-made shoes. To date there have been no cartoons made of this incredible character, but
    several masters of animated film have recently shown great interest in doing so. We can’t

    Anthony and Miriam

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